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October 16, 2003

Poems to my Momma....
When I was a child, I knew
that I could always count on you.
I could bring you my troubles,
and you'd make everything okay.

When I was a teen, we didn't
always see things eye to eye
and we had our share
of disagreements..
But I never doubted your love...

When I became an adult,
we became friends.
I still knew I could count on you,
even though you couldn't
always fix my troubles anymore.

I also began to realize
the sacrifices you had made for me,
all the sleepless nights,
worries, and stress
I caused you...
And I want to thank you
for always being there for me.

I appreciate you
and the constant,
unconditional love
you always give
as my mother ... and my best friend.

HaPpY 48th BiRtHday,Mom...

i Love u so much... and i miss you...

ur LittLe daughter...

posted by: Anonymous |

sylva/Female/21-25. Lives in Indonesia/East Borneo/Oil City, speaks Indonesian and English. Eye color is black. I am fat. I am also lazy. My interests are love edey/watch all kind drama, comedy, & horor movies.
This is my blogchalk:
Indonesia, East Borneo, Oil City, Indonesian, English, sylva, Female, 21-25, love edey, watch all kind drama, comedy, & horor movies.

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jam ini udah dari tanggal 3 okt kemaren aku ma pac...
:: WONDER WOMAN :: 2morrow is a special day for m...
"What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?" -Perfect- You'...
abis ngunjungin blog nya synta ... truz aku liat a...
hmmm... kok sial bener yach aku... baru juga satu ...
wah.. akhirnya aku semangat lagi nich mo nyelesaii...
PUTUS ASA NEGH............... HIKS HIKS HIKS.........
aihh.. masih males nich mo ganti skin nya... :(((
:: just 4 a while
:: back to work

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