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December 14, 2003

photo bucket
ah akhirnya...
tadi jalan2 ke blog nya Muna trus ngintip img nya diupload dimana... hehehe... *maap yach Mun* ternyata Muna uploadnya di photobucket aku nyobain daftar juga... abis nya bete bgt nich angelfire napa kok tiba" di block gini acc nya... my sist' si Nuv udah 3x acc nya di angelfire di block... setau aku Muna sama temen" yg lainnya pernah ngalamin juga yach??? daripada regis lg di angelfire yg ujung"nya bakal di block juga, mendingan cari t4 lain aja deeh... hehehe... makasih yach Muna

posted by: sylva picaulima lesmana |

sylva/Female/21-25. Lives in Indonesia/East Borneo/Oil City, speaks Indonesian and English. Eye color is black. I am fat. I am also lazy. My interests are love edey/watch all kind drama, comedy, & horor movies.
This is my blogchalk:
Indonesia, East Borneo, Oil City, Indonesian, English, sylva, Female, 21-25, love edey, watch all kind drama, comedy, & horor movies.

Put Journal[Of]MyLife banner on your website

nuv - older sista
wein - lil' sista
fajar - wein's bf
mila - highschools friend
deyna - mila's bf
tariosh - nexia's friend
mba` iin - familie dyka
gallery - lots of memories
friendster - my fs link
myshoutbox - shoutbox
photobucket - images uploader
zspc - super color chart
haloscan - commenting system

bete surete pararete

.: busy :.
nagh.. ini dia nich pic nya cherry ma anak"nya......
wah senengnya yach temen" yg ngerayain lebaran?? :...
beware of this siblings Adelina, Aldie, Ginny ( e...
CINTA MEMANG MENYAKITKAN Mereka telah saling meng...
mimpi apa aku semalem... prasaan aku mimpi acara n...
hooorreee.... happy nich... semalem my doggie; che...
wah senang... akhirnya dapet juga script yg itu lo...

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