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September 26, 2008

Selamat Idul Fitri

posted by: sylva picaulima lesmana |
September 25, 2008

I'm Married :)

Kamis, 14 Agustus 2008

posted by: sylva picaulima lesmana |

I miss u my blog
ntah kenapa tiba2 pengen ngecek acc blogger ku... dan ternyata masih aktif... padahal dah bertahun-tahun ngga di update.. hehehehe....

dah banyak hal yg terjadi dlm hidupku... yg terbaru skr aku sudah menikah.. hohohoho... senangnya semua berjalan lancar. Sekarang aku sudah jd ibu rumah tangga.. =P cuma belom jadi seorang Ibu aja... masih proses meng-adon... blom sukses2... :D wish me luck yach??

moga2 yg skr ini bener2 bisa up to date blog ku... =D

posted by: sylva picaulima lesmana |

sylva/Female/21-25. Lives in Indonesia/East Borneo/Oil City, speaks Indonesian and English. Eye color is black. I am fat. I am also lazy. My interests are love edey/watch all kind drama, comedy, & horor movies.
This is my blogchalk:
Indonesia, East Borneo, Oil City, Indonesian, English, sylva, Female, 21-25, love edey, watch all kind drama, comedy, & horor movies.

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Selamat Idul Fitri
I'm Married :)
I miss u my blog
aw aw....
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